Short Critical Reflection Paper

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Short Critical Reflection Paper LaQuita Cantu INF 103 Instructor Withers July 9, 2012 Short Critical Reflection Paper 1. Some might say the crime of the 21st century will be white collar. If that is true, what will be the major types of cybercrime? How can we safeguard against it? A: In today’s world I feel that identity theft is the most common white collared “cybercrime.” It is surprisingly easy for a “cybercriminal” to gain access to someone’s personal information. I feel that the biggest reason that this is such a big issue is that many people do not know or do not understand just how easy it is to “share” such private information online. Many older people are newly converts to the internet world, and unknowledgeable as to what sites are safe enough to key in such vital information. These “cybercriminals” use great links to trick someone into giving up their personal information, even a password. “Phishing,” for example, is still one of the common ways these “cybercriminals” get a person’s username and passwords to different sites. Another way “cybercriminals” can get information, such as credit card numbers, is by one keying in those valuable numbers on to an unprotected site. In doing this, you do not know who exactly is viewing this valuable information. With all of this being said, a great and 100% way to safeguard one’s self from becoming the next victim of identity theft is to be knowledgeable to how, who, and where you “share” this kind of information. Best bet is to not give out any personal information of this nature. However, there are programs that are out there that can help defend against a crime of this nature. 2. Online education has evolved over the last ten years as much as the cell phones. Given this, what have been some of the major improvements and changes in the digital classroom? A: Just

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