Shopping Habits Essay

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Shopping Habits of Men and Women “Wow! This blue sweater look good on my mom”, “I will take this shirt for my friend” are normally the phrases one can hear from women sopping in stores. Everyone has their own habits of doing things. Some people like to a lot of time in doing activities like studying, relaxing, shopping and so on where as others like to make them short, less time consuming and direct. There are many similarities between men’s and women’s shopping styles however they differ in their shopping styles in aspects of time spent, frequency of shopping and whom they go with and shop for. One difference of men’s and women’s shopping is how often they go shopping. Frequencies of shopping for men are low. They do not shop as frequently as compared to women. Men’s shopping mostly depends on their needs and on money they have for shopping. One reason for men’s less shopping rate can be that their styles and colors of clothing do not change as frequently as women’s. Women’s shopping rate on the other hand is higher compared to men’s. Women shop even twice or thrice a month. They just go shopping to browse for various items and to look for good deals. They even go shopping without pre mind setup so as just to see new arrivals. Frequently changing styles and colors in women’s clothing also make women’s shopping more frequent. The second main difference between men’s and women’s shopping is the amount of time they spend at the store. Men’s shopping is less time consuming. They are more like go in and out fast. Men are more

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