Shc 53 Essay

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Adults Management (Level 5 Diploma) SHC 53 Learning outcome 1 The Equality Act 2010 – The Equality Act 2010 brings together several pieces of legislation including: 1. The Equality Act 2006 2. Employment Equality (age) regulations 2006 3. Race Relation Act 1976 4. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 5. Sexual Discrimination Act 1975 The Act was intended to both simplify and strengthen existing legislation and to go further toward eliminating discrimination in British society. There are now 9 protected characteristics and the law also prevents people from being discriminated against because they believed to have a protected characteristic or because they associate with someone who has. The Protected Characteristics are: 1. Age 2. Disability 3. Gender reassignment 4. Race 5. Pregnancy or maternity 6. Religion / belief 7. Marriage or civil partnership 8. Sex 9. Sexual orientation Diversity – Diversity is essentially about difference. Everyone is a unique individual and in many ways different to those around them. Good health and social care services not only recognise uniqueness, but also celebrate diversity, recognising the value of difference. Inclusion – This refers to practice which seeks to challenge the mechanisms of oppression, and ensure equality and positive outcomes for individuals. People need to feel that they are included – that they are in control of their own lives and that they are included in their community and wider society. Social inclusion is the process of promoting the values, relations and institutions that enable all people to participate in social, economic and political life on the basis of the quality of rights, equity and dignity. Code of Practice – The code of practice provides guidance to anyone who is working with or caring for adults who may lack capacity to make a

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