Shc 31- Promote Communication in Health and Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

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SHC 31- Promote communication in health and social care or children’s and young people’s settings Introduction Why and how people communicate Before you can look at promoting communication it is important to understand what communication is and how and why people communicate. Communication is the gaining and sharing of information and is used to build relationships. The information transferred can be factual such as procedures, safety information and upcoming events, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, feelings or observations within a childcare setting. The way the information is transferred can be by speech, signals or writing, the chosen method must be clearly understood. We all use a variety of communication techniques to both understand and be understood, examples of these are, • Memo, • fax, • e-mail, • voice mail, • letter, • notice board, • reports, • Phone call, • face to face, • Team meetings, • consulting, • group problem solving, • Makaton or British Sign Language • pictures, • photo, • audio or visual recordings. Through communication we teach, learn and in turn relate to others there are many reasons for communication and within the child care setting some examples of how communication is used are, • To build, maintain and promote good working relationships, • To gain and share information, • To gain reassurance and acknowledgements, • To express needs and feelings, • To share thoughts and ideas, • Settling children in and transitions, • Supporting children through play and learning, • Effective teams As I look in more detail at the reasons why we communicate and the methods that can be used I will look at the
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