Shc 23: 1.1

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SHC 23: 1.10. The concept of diversity is based on the idea that each individual is unique, and through this sense of uniqueness has their own merit-tying in with the nation of equality. This sense of uniquenees can be based on many diffrent factors incuding age, race, gender, economic status, cultural background etc and should be taken into account when dealing with children in a setting. Equality is the notion that each child has the right to get have their needs met and an organisation must make '' resonable adjustment'' to ensure this can occur. This means practicioners must take into account the child's charateristies and ensure measures and taken for their development. Inclusion is the process of making the practise of ''equality of opportunity'' a viablenactivity in the setting. It means trying to remove as many barriers as possiblenfor children to ensure they can get maximum benefit from the setting. For instance, we have a boy in the setting for whom English is not hid first language, at home he speaks Urdu. One of the staff member also speaks this language and has given us some key words and phrases toensure the child can get maximum benefit from attending the setting. Inclusion also includes the idea that all children neet to feel welcomed and valued at the nursery, practicioners need to ensure every effort is made for this to happen. Discrimination is the cause for the opposite of the above happening, i.e. the barriers being raised in a setting and children's development being hindered because of this. It entails holding a negative prejudice about a group based on how they look and how they act. It is the opposite of diversity, for instance holding views that the way someone looks, or what religion they hold, makes them unworthy of having access to the development opportunities that are
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