Sharing A Room

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Sharing a room Well first of all I'd like to say that entering the university in the capital was my first step into adult life. Certainly I was aware that my life would change a lot and that I would face some difficulties (among which was sharing a room with unknown people), but I decided that it was time to start a new adult life. So now I live in a hostel and share my room with three girls. As I have some experience I can judge about living at home with parents and living on your own in a hostel. It goes without saying that living in away from home when you are a student has a lot of advantages. The main advantage is that you are free from your parents' supervision: they don't say what you should do, what you should wear and how to behave, what you should eat and what time you have to be at home. You also become more independent and long-sighted, it becomes easier for you to adapt yourself to life and its difficulties. Besides when you live away from your parents all disagreements and problems that existed before disappear. You begin to understand the importance of family and value family bonds. You realize that it's family that gives you support and stability, a consolation in sorrow and where you can find understanding even if you do something wrong. As far as disadvantages are concerned I want to say that the greatest disadvantage is that you don't have a room of your own and you have to share it with some people. You have to adapt yourself to them, their interests and desires. For instance, if someone is sleeping you can't listen to music and you have to whisper. When you live at home your parents care about you, the simplest example is that mother cooks dinners and you needn't do it yourself, but when you live on your own if you don't care about yourself, nobody will care about you. | Nevertheless I find living in a hostel quiet pleasant and useful.
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