Shakespeare Sonnet 20

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Emma Young To begin with, this essay will analyze two different literary extracts. The first one is the Sonnet 20 by William Shakespeare. It will be analyzed line by line for better understanding of the poem as a whole. William Shakespeare liked to challenge the minds of people and write about things that were not acceptable and far beyond the norms of society of that time. The first thing that is not clear after reading the sonnet for the first time is the sex of the speaker and the person the sonnet is addressed to. Because of that, this poem can be interpreted in different ways and not only the male-female or female-male, but also male-male and female-female relationships should be considered. It is possible, that both, the beloved and the speaker are people of the same sex. There is no doubt that homosexuality was not only prohibited, but was not even discussed in the time of Shakespeare (16th -17th century). Overall, the main theme of the poem is the feeling of love and how good it is in any of its forms. The first four lines of the sonnet are supposed to give the first impression of who is writing and for whom. Despite that, the speaker begins to describe his beloved and says that his or her face is as beautiful as woman’s face when it is “with Nature’s own hand painted”. In other words, without wearing any make up and having completely natural look. If the beloved is not a woman, then he (or she) is looking feminine. Same as the first line, the second one doesn’t give a clue of what sex is the beloved to the reader. When the speaker is saying “the master-mistress of my passion”, it is not clear whether the speaker is referring to Mother Nature mentioned in the first line or to the beloved. The second line of the poem is definitely addressed to female beloved. In case if the beloved is male, then the speaker refers to Mother Nature. This perplexity
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