Shakespeare Presents Conflict In a Section Of Rome

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Examine the way Shakespeare presents conflict in a section of Romeo and Juliet. In your response make reference to other parts of the play. In this essay I will be looking at the conflict within Act 3 scene 5 of the famous play Romeo and Juliet what was written by Shakespeare. Act 3 scene 5 will be the part of the play I will be looking at in most detail, in the scene I will look at the language that Shakespeare has used and the conflict between the characters. There are many types of conflict within the play such as emotional conflict; we see this between Juliet and her parents and also there is conflict between Capulet and his wife when she tells him not to fight. Another type of conflict is religious conflict, we see this many times through the play especially when Juliet is going against her parents by marrying Romeo. Another type of conflict is physical conflict, we see this many times through the play as in the fight seen with the fight between Romeo and Tybalt, but most importantly in Act 3 scene 5 when Lord Capulet loses his temper towards his daughter Juliet. When we first meet Lord Capulet he seems very loving towards his daughter. He calls Juliet “hopeful lady of my earth” but as we progress towards Act 3 scene 5 Capulets temper increases it starts firstly when his wife lady Capulet says “A crutch, a crutch!, why call for a sword?” this suggests that lord Capulet is too old to fight and he does not like to be told by his wife what to do and especially because the is the leader of the Capulets. The next thing was when Tybalt was telling him what to do at his own party he says “Such a villain is a guest” this is aimed at Romeo, Capulet is then angry because he is the lord he doesn’t want to be told what to do because he wants to make the decisions so he refuses to remove Romeo. At the last straw in Act 3 scene 5 he is then told what to by his 13 year
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