Seven Wonders Essay

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Journey to the Seven Wonders by Tony Perrottet Why are people fascinated with the Seven Wonders of the World? Most of them don’t even exist anymore and those that do aren’t in their original site. Yet people still clamor to go see these ancient and marvelous structures. The Seven Wonders of the World include The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Colossus of Rhodes, The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Lighthouse of Alexandria, The Pyramids of Giza and The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. These are parts of the past that people can’t get over and most of the reason is because of the word “wonder” there would not be that same draw to these sites if they were called architectural marvels. People are fascinated by things that are mysterious and because of this the Seven Wonders of the World are still vivid in the imagination of many. There are many places that have decided to mark the places that once held the marvels with memorials. These places hold power and the past shapes the future even today the things in our past travel through time with books and even word of mouth and as these things travel they become engraved into the minds and lives of many. Modern architecture still has pieces from the past and as more is found out about the past more of it put into the pieces of architecture built in the modern world. These pieces of our past will be around forever standing or not they are in the minds of millions and as the mind is a powerful thing the Seven Wonders of the World will stand the test of time even though all but one of them no longer stands, these are valuable pieces of history and as long as people interested and intrigued by mystery they will forever live one. I found this article to be an easy read and that the information was well spread out and in a well-organized manner. I like how the author uses almost a story

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