Set Your Goal

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Everyone has their own secrets including me. Today, I would like to reveal my biggest secret which is actually my dreams and goals that I hope to be fulfill in the future. Having dreams and setting goals in life are important because if we have no goals in life we would end up nowhere. The dreams can be accomplished with effort and dedication. Plus, we must even sacrifice something in order to achieve the goals. My first goal in life for me are to graduate from high school with higher than a 3.5 grade point average, because it will benefit me when applying for fast track courses. In order to do this I have to stay on the honor roll through-out all semester. So far, I haven’t been on the principal honor roll for first and second semester but my result for both semester was not that bad. I am sure if I do extra work, I can achieve my dreams. The next goal is the most important in my life which is to achieve 9A+ in SPM 2013. As we all know, in order to get straight A’s is not as easy as ABC. I have to work harder and struggle to achieve the dreams. So far, I always get A’s for Language, Historical and Religious subjects. That’s means I have to do extra practices on Science and Mathematics subjects. So, I am determined to study as hard as I could so that I can achieve my goals and fulfill my dreams which is to graduate from high school with a 3.5 grade point and gaining straight A plus next year. I will not only satisfied on my own but also a bonus to my family. The successful achievement will makes my family especially my beloved parents proud of me and felt on top of the world. Last but not least, my parents will feel that their sweat to raise me up is worth
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