Separation of a Mixture of Solids

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Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to learn and perform different type’s separation techniques for a solid type mixture. Separate and observe the separation of the mixtures into their component substances. To learn how to compute what percentage a specific component makes up of the overall mixture. The Solid mixture contains Iron filings, sand, table salt, and benzoic acid. From visual observation of the mixture, it looks that it has an abundance of benzoic acid crystals compared to the other components; the other components seem to be evenly distributed. Procedure: I need the following materials: Distilled water 2 Coffee cups 1 Small spoon or stirrer 1 Plastic wrap or baggie 2 Sheets of paper 1 Small saucer 1 Paper towels 1 Crushed ice 2 Small paper or Styrofoam® cups From LabPaq 1 Beaker, 100 mL, glass 1 Burner-fuel 1 Burner-stand 1 Cylinder, 25 mL 1 Funnel 1 Goggles-Safety 1 Scale-Digital-500g 1 Magnet bar 1 Rod, Stirring rod – Glass Experiment Bag Separation of a Mixture of Solids 1 Filter Paper 12.5-cm 1 Mixture of Solids - 5 g in Bag 2"x 3" 1 Weighing boat, Plastic Prepare a data table listing Iron filings, sand, table salt, benzoic acid. Record each components mass in grams and calculation of each components percent in the mixture. 1. Separating out the Iron: First weigh the mass of the dish. Empty “mixture of solids” bag into dish determine the gross mass of the mixture and dish. Compute the net mass: Gross mass – mass of dish=net mass of mixture. Record in data table 1. Spread the mixture into a very thin layer over a full size piece of white paper. Cut another piece of paper into a 10 cm square - weigh and record its mass. Wrap magnet with a single layer of plastic, lightly brush over mixture to remove the iron powder/filings (repeat several times). Over 10cm square of paper remove plastic and allow

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