Selfless Character Essay

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It is interesting, why different people behave in a different way in a certain tough or dangerous situation? One person sacrifices his life to save a puppy from fire, while another runs away leaving a human being to die. In the discussion with Bill Moyers, “Hero with a Thousand Faces”, Joseph Campbell says that a hero sacrifices himself for others and so he becomes more selfless. Throughout life people face challenges and issues. However, not every body is able to handle them in the way that would make their own character more selfless. Although life is difficult I claim that life’s challenges shape hero’s selfless character only to some extent, because challenges a person faces sometimes can make his or her character even selfish. Furthermore, the way of handling life’s challenging depends on hero’s level of education, ability to use his or her knowledge and skills in a particular situation, and moral principles cultivated since very yearly childhood or maybe even inherited. Culture, environment and society influence one’s personality because they shape character as well as obstacles do. In many Islamic countries, man’s childhood ends sooner then it does in other nations. This is because parents educate their children, especially boys, to be brave, fearless and responsible. Such education makes children to give up their childhood, and in exchange to that, adults see them as responsible for their actions and respectful individuals. Becoming an adult is a part of every human’s life and every one crosses the edge from childhood to adulthood sooner or later. As Thomas Jefferson stated in the “Declaration of Independence”, all men are created equal. I absolutely agree in relation to equality of human beings but at the same time equal people behave so different towards a common issue. In certain circumstances when you must risk your life for saving others, a real hero
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