Self-Evaluation of Country/Culture Speech

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Self-Evaluation Country/Culture Speech In watching the video of my speech I could see that I was definitely still affected by my performance anxiety. I was shaking, and every time I would try to make eye contact I would lose all train of thought and my voice would sound shaky. I noticed that during my speech that there were some hand gestures being made, although most of which the audience would not have been able to see since I was keeping my hands behind the podium. Even though I did not have that stinking Kleenex as I did in the peer-introduction speech, I was still wringing my hands quite a bit. Considering the length of time I was given to work on my country/culture speech and practice it, I was feeling more confident than I had been with the peer-introduction speech. However, after watching the video, my eye contact was poorer than I had realized. I need to work harder on focusing my attention on the audience, not the podium. The familiarity I have been acquiring with some of the students did help me with some of my eye contact problems, but I still have some work to do. I noticed a few moments where I had gotten nervous and sped up my speech, which only led to me getting tongue twisted and I stumbled on a few points. I also kept noting all dates as being in the nineteen hundreds, I was so nervous that I had not realized at the time of my speech that I was making that mistake. I thought I had done a good job on organizing my outline, but after several practice runs I noticed I was going well over the time limit. Shortly before my speech I had omitted a few points, in doing so I compressed the sub-topics of fermentation and pasteurization too much. This made it sound unclear as to what points I was trying to convey in the speech, possibly causing confusion in my audience. If I had rehearsed the changes I had made more thoroughly before the speech I would

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