Self Change Contract

277 Words2 Pages
My overall goal for this self-change project is: To get a 3.75 or better this semester Action Statement: The target behavior I want to initiate, increase, maintain, decrease, or stop is: I will continue to study daily and continue going to the LAC. Strategies and Activities: During the project, I will make the following specific changes (environmental, social, personal) to support my target behavior: I will study every day for 3 hours at the LAC. And I will study for two hours at home before bed. Materials and Price Tag: I will need the following items in order to complete my change: I will need my homework and tools to complete it. During the project, I will replace negative self-talk about my behavior with positive self-talk such as the following: You aren’t smart enough to get a 3.75 in school, To I am smart enough and I can and will get above a 3.75 Rewards and Punishments: During the project, I will apply the following reinforcements and punishments to support my target behavior: If I don’t study on the weekend I will not be able to go out the weekend after Set Specific Time Lines: Set I will monitor my progress by: I will monitor my progress by checking into the LAC and making sure I do my hours. During the project, I will enlist the help of other people in the following ways to support my target behavior: I will need the help of my parents to tell me that I can accomplish my goal. ______________________________________ ___________ Student _______________________________________ ____________ Project Partner(s) Date _______________________________________ ____________ Project Partner(s)
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