Secondhand Smoke Bans Help Reduce Health Problems

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Secondhand Smoke Bans Help Reduce Health Problems Secondhand smoke is smoke that comes from a lit cigarette or it can be from someone exhaling smoke from a cigarette they have been smoking (Getting Away). Due to the secondhand or passive smoke causing health problems upon other, bans have been put on smokers’ which tells them when and where they can smoke. For the most part the ban prevents where a smoker decides to smoke a cigarette. A smoker may think of the words “freedom” and “choice” when it comes to them having to smoke in certain places and not inside but the affects that the smoke they are exhaling can cause cancer or even potentially death (Irresponsible). Smokers are a minority but they should not be treated any differently because they may have a bad habit. Even though they are causing problems to their own body it should not involve anyone else unless it harms others. In saying that, bans are put on because smokers do not smoke in appropriate places all the time (Irresponsible). Smoking in a car when passengers are present can cause implicate damage to their health over a period of time (Smoking Ban). Also smoking in public places like restaurants, bars, etc. may upset a non-smoker considering it is harmful to one’s health. Then that non-smoker complains and eventually there’s a ban on smoking in restaurants or bars or wherever (Getting Away). Smokers may believe this is being taken too far and that the government is infringing on their rights but when they smoke around others they are causing health problems to not only their selves but to others as well( Getting Away). For instance, children, they are not fully developed nor do they know the harmful affects. So, whenever they have to deal with it in the home or wherever else they do not even know that they are breathing in this toxic air. This is why in some states when children are in the car it

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