Seascape Analysis

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'Seascape' by Alison Chisholm is a poem about a mother trying coming to terms with the death of a young child. Chisholm makes this poem poignant and moving through her use of various techniques such as; alliteration, personification and repetition. Chisholm uses personification very effectively in this poem to highlight how upset the mother feels at the lost of her child. "Heard a seashell water's roar". Up until this point in the third stanza of the poem, the beach and sea have seemed quite friendly and pleasant, however, the word 'roar' here suggests a vicious animal, such as a tiger or lion; these animals are predators, and so the suggestion here is that the sea has because a predator, who has preyed on her son. This idea is continued in the final stanza when the person in the play says that "the breakers gorged themselves on prey". It is made more obvious that the boy is 'prey' to the sea and has become a victim of its predatory nature.The word 'gorged' suggest that the sea at the boy hungrily and this adds to the poignancy of the poem. Another technique Chisholm uses to make the poem compelling is alliteration. "My son had never seen the sea before". The writers use of alliteration here of the letter 's' suggests the sound of the waves and the ocean when you read it, therefore conveying more of the theme of the the seaside in a very effective way. It also moves the reader because it shows the writers real, passionate and raw emotion. A further technique the poet uses to make the poem effective and moving is repetition. "He revelled in the treasures of the shore" is repeated throughout the play. The poets use of repetition of this quote helps the reader understand how much pain she is in and the reader also feels inclined to sympathise with the mother. The writer repeats this in a lot of the stanzas to show how upset the mother is. The world
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