Sea Anemone Essay

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I. Introduction • Scientific Name: Actiniaria • Common Name: Sea anemones • Location: Deep coastal waters worldwide, in shallow waters(including coral reefs) and deep oceans II. Taxonomy Classification: • Kingdom: Animalia • Domain: Phylum Cnidaria (Also Coelenterata: corals, jellyfish, sea anemones, hydroids) • Class: Anthozoa (meaning “flower-like animals” e.g. corals, hydroids) • Order: Actiniaria III. Information 1. Physical Features • Their bodies are composed of an adhesive pedal disc, or foot, a cylindrical body, and an array of tentacles surrounding a central mouth. • They run the full spectrum of colors and can be as small as half an inch (1.25 centimeters) or as large as 6 feet (1.8 meters) across. 5 centimeters to 17 centimeters • They are polypoids - it is the configuration of corals and anemones, with the tentacles and mouth generally facing up, and the other side affixed to a substrate or connected to a colony of other creatures of the same species. 2. Body mechanism • Respiration: Gas exchange takes place through the body surfaces. Cnidarians do not have gills or gill like structure • Reproduction: Sea Anemones reproduce by lateral fission (in which an identical animal sprouts out of the anemone's side) and by sexual reproduction (in which anemones release eggs and sperm, producing free-swimming larvae). Sea anemones reproduce by budding off baby sea anemones. The babies stay connected to the adult until it is old enough to go out on their own. If a sea anemone is torn apart by rocks, then each part becomes a new sea anemone. Other species are hermaphrodites producing both eggs and sperm. Sexual reproduction can occur with some species having separate sexes. In this case fertilized eggs develop into larvae, then settle on the sea bed and grow into young anemones. • Excretion: This is done through the mouth which is

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