Scientific Study of Personality

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Scientific Study of Personality Sheriann Stenstrom PSYCH/504 December 13, 2012 Victor Kersey Scientific Study of Personality The study of personality is not a new concept. Psychologists have been studying personality for years. Psychologists define personality differently from the public. Every individual has different personality characteristics. Many theories have evolved from the study of personality. Psychologists use different scientific methods to evaluate these theories. Psychologists have also developed several methods to study personality. The three most used are: case studies, correlational designs, and experimental designs. Personality Defined Many words have more than one definition and personality is one of them. People who use the word to describe another individual use the word personality in a different way than a psychologist does. Psychologists define personality as “psychological qualities that contribute to an individual’s enduring and distinctive patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaving” (Cervone, 2010). The concept of personality is all-inclusive; it refers to all aspects of a person: their social behavior, mental lives, and their emotional experiences. Personality psychologists try to understand the whole person (Cervone, 2010). Everyday users of the word personality use it to describe a person, such as he has a boring personality or she has a bubbly personality. This way barely scratches the surface of a person’s personality and definitely does not encompass all of the distinctive patterns of feeling, thinking, or behaving. This more describes the charisma of a person not the personality of a person (Cervone, 2010). Personality Characteristics Psychologists believe personality is organized and consistent. People tend to express certain aspects of their personality in different situations and their responses are generally
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