School Year Should Not Be Extended

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AURORA BOARD OF EDUCATION EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR SERVICES FOR STUDENT WITH DISABILITIES School districts are responsible for providing students with disabilities with a free and appropriate-education (F.A.P.E.). The education program and related services are provided in conformity with Ohio’s “Rules for the Education of Students with Disabilities.” It is expected that children with disabilities will receive an appropriate public education by being provided special education and/or related services during the approximately 180 days of instruction that a school district provides for all students. Some children may need instruction beyond the typical school year to receive a free and appropriate public education, as defined by their IEP. These children may be eligible for “extended school year” services. “Extended School Year” (ESY) is an extension of the education the student receives during the regular school year. It is not enrichment but a continuation of the IEP objectives that were being implemented during the regular school year. “Extended School Year” may by the same or different from the child’s regular school year services, as determined by the IEP team. The standards for determination of the need for Extended School Year (ESY) will be: • Whether ESY services are a necessary, not just beneficial, component of an appropriate education • Whether ESY services are required to prevent significant regression of skills or knowledge due to an interruption of instruction between school years; and • Whether ESY services are required to prevent significant regression of skills or knowledge retained by the child that cannot be recouped in a reasonable amount of time. The IEP team has the ultimate responsibility for determining the appropriateness of extended school year services. The decision regarding the provision of extended school year

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