School Uniforms Essay

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A Positive Outlook on School Uniforms School uniforms are mostly known to be inexpensive and proper at private schools. The idea of wearing the same unattractive uniform every day is a horrific thought to students. Uniforms have exceptional attributes, such as preparing students for future jobs, better grades, and a much safer environment. Many highly educated careers and athletic teams wear a uniform to show unity and power. Many school administrators and parents have discussed positive and negative effects of uniforms. Even though the student may not enjoy the uniforms, the uniform policy would be in the best interests of the student body as a whole. The main positive benefits of uniforms are higher academic results, a reduction of clothing expenses and a sense of togetherness, as well as belonging at school. Even though student individuality is extremely important, uniforms should be worn in public schools because it lowers disciplinary referrals and encourages students to focus on school work. Wearing a uniform gives students a sense of purpose, identity and authority. If a student feels like they are dressed to succeed, they will then strive for success in the classroom. Uniforms can really make a difference in a students academic performance and they create and atmosphere of equality. If uniforms were mandatory, students would be focusing on the main point of school, which is learning and achieving good grades. As they would encourage discipline, the uniforms would help improve student’s education. Nowadays, kids are sloppy in their dress, in their behavior and language. Research has shown that both teachers and student believe students behave greater when wearing a uniform. Student grades may not improve immediately after wearing a uniform, but they could help improve their education and behavior. There has always been an image of
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