One reason a student should receive extra credit to pass, is that they have trouble with that one specific subject. If you don’t understand something it’s hard to get it right on a test. Many tutoring services arn’t free, and some families don’t have the extra cash laying around. Some students after seeing there failing grade just completely give up. Teachers should give them extra credit they can still have a chance at passing the class.
He brought up a good point that a lot of people wouldn't have thought of in terms of a student’s education. Now I do kind of disagree with Bruno with the fact that as the students who lag behind in high school will later lag behind in college. It's not like the students were told not to push themselves or to take the easy route, they decided to go down that road. Do homework for a hour and really make their paper great or rush it before class. A simple choice like that can make a total difference in whether they really learned something or if they cheated themselves.
Summary/ Response Assignment O`Malley, Patrick. “More Learning, More Testing” In “More Testing, More Learning,” Patrick O`Malley suggests that college professors should give tests to the students periodically in order for the students to learn more. Furthermore, more tests or exams will minimize the student’s stress because students will be more familiar with the subjects that are given to them. Like the author says, “If professors gave an additional brief exams at frequent intervals, student would learn more, study more regularly, worry less, and perform better on midterms, finals, and other papers and projects.” (O`Malley, pg. 488).
Without grades, how else would we assess and measure a student’s abilities in a practical way that can be used for this? Without grades every applicant would have to get brought in to an interview or something similar. This would take a lot of time and become extremely tedious. Grades are not only beneficial to students after graduation, but they benefit students and teachers during school as well. Grades are clear and distinct indications of how a student is performing in school.
It appears that testing is a waste of time, but in reality, it prepares students for future success. Another question that occurs is: What are students gaining from these different tests each year? Many people debate whether the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is considered to be pointless. Maybe these tests are teaching students accountability and responsibility, two vital tools for success in life. Within in the article, “No Child Left Behind: Test-Obsessed Education Won’t Move Us Ahead” the author, David Marshak, slashes the No Child Left Behind Act.
For example, while in high school good homework grades are able to raise your overall grade if you did not do well on tests, in college the grades in tests and major papers (essays, projects, and researches) are the most important things that provide most of the course grade. Also, in high school if someone has received the grade of D and higher then they are able to pass the course but in college someone can graduate only if their average is same or above their departmental standard. Second, there are many differences in classes between these two institutions. Although in high school for students listening is sometimes more than enough however in college students should review class notes and text material regularly and ask for information from professor teaching assistance tutoring services and even from other students. Additionally, students in high school are provided with textbooks for free, whereas in college students need to buy textbooks and class materials.
In the article Stop the Madness, written by Diane Ravitch, she elaborates on the issue of exceptionally high test taking. Teachers teach towards their test and as a result, are lazy. These faculty members, especially the teachers, worry more about the final test scores their students receive than if their students are grasping and fully understanding the educational topics. This is because the test grades that the students earn is how teachers are judged and ranked in the system. Therefore, in order to achieve these ideal scores, they are using the same tests and classwork every year.
Essay 1 The pressure of being a high school student is high, especially as they to the senior grades. Students caught cheating in high school should not automatically be expulsed. Someone doesn’t cheat for no reason, schools have to look into why the student was cheating in the first place and try to help. If it becomes a problem then the student should be dismissed. Today’s students cheat for a variety of reasons.
However, how could she measure the effort? Does the time students spend reveal it? Or does the long essay show that the students study really hard? To grade students according to the efforts could be so subjective that it gives the teacher too much work and stress. On the other hand, it’s much more objective and accurate to give scores based on the achievements of the student.
This can be very daunting, for very few have actually taken steps to ensure that they will become successful during their trials and tribulations of student life. So how could a student take a personal outlook on college success and make it so that they take responsibility for it? There are many steps that could be taken, but through personal involvement with school, this writer feels as though that there are three key elements to student success. If a student were to take a personal responsibility to prepare, evaluate, and plan their college requirements, they can guarantee his or her success while pursuing their education. Preparing for success in school might seem like an easy enough task, but when the responsibility finally falls on the student, he or she is often caught off guard.