Ditching School Good Idea? I was watching a commercial the other day and Lebron James stated that every twenty six seconds a student drops out f high school. There are many causes why students drop-out of school. Students are ditching school and easily getting away with it. They're not understanding why it is so important to go to school.
Public school is better than home schooling because public school mentally prepares students for the real world; giving students knowledge on how to deal with bullying and peer pressure, and also allowing them to interact with different students and teachers. "Yes, read that part again-- government schools were never about truly educating your child; they were and are about creating happy workers and taxpayers, people afraid to challenge the status quo and unable to read and think for themselves. " (Vaughan 647). Although some parents have jobs and are not able to home school their children, public school could be their option. Public school education prepares students for the real world by displaying to them how school is a job by giving them the imagery of having an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. job that comes with hard work and dedication.
Why Kids Drop Out of High School The high school drop out rate has been called a national crisis. Nearly one-third of all public high school students leave the system before graduating (Swanson 2004) and the problem is more severe among students of color and students with disabilities. (Greene &Winters 2005) Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States. That’s a student every 26 seconds or 7,000 per day. (dosomething.org) Dropping out of high school is an issue facing many teens today.
The administration of my school work with the community partners to develop a climate that is welcoming to families and students. They acknowledge that our students have varying academic and nonacademic needs and try to connect students to supports that meet those needs. Support for family and community involvement begins with school administrators. Their willingness to recruit parents and community members for school tasks, to listen to other people's viewpoints, and to share decision making provides a necessary foundation for all school-family-community partnerships. Our principal is very supportive
There are pros and cons to states that decided to experiment raising the age. Every individual has the right to make their own choices. It shouldn't be the governments decision to decide if a child is to drop out or not. Raising the drop out age has had equally bad results as to good results. Students might want to drop out because they are struggling in school, getting bullied, have a health issue, have personal family problems, or just have a planned out future that doesn't require a high school diploma.
Moore felt trapped and earlier revealed that he dropped out of school sophomore year because he disliked school from first grade. Robinson stated in his video that the school system was structured for the Enlightenment Era and says that’s why America’s economy is down. Hopefully the government can fix the educational system so students can become more interested in school so there are less drop outs like Moore. Today school is supposed to get children ready for the world and get them a good job, so they can flourish as an adult. However, they strip individuality from the children and morph them into obedient soldiers.
Some people believe the students should have their own choices. They can go to school and succeed or not go and fail. The school administrators should not have to force the students to go to school; however, the law says every minor must go to school until they graduate from high school. Taking away their driver's license is too harsh. The administrators should make a fair and balanced punishment.
Establish good relationships with children, acting as good role and being aware of and responding appropriately to individual needs. Encourage and promote self-esteem and independence. Provide feedback to children in relation to progress and achievement. SUPPORT FOR THE TEACHER Assist with the planning of learning activities under the direction and guidance of the class teacher. Establish constructive relationships with parents/carers.
Why Students Drop Out of School In May of 2009 CNN reported that nearly 6.2 million students in the United States between the ages of 16 and 24 in 2007 dropped out of high school, calling this "a persistent high school dropout crisis." The total represents 16 percent of all people in the United States in that age range in 2007. Hispanics and Native Americans fail to graduate from public high school with their class. Many of these students abandon school with less than two years to complete their high school education. On average, only 58% of students in America's 50 largest cities make it to graduation.
In the classroom, it is a great opportunity for a peer tutor to demonstrate his/her skills and abilities. Discussing topics with students helps the student’s understanding of the topic and makes them look at the different perspectives. In conclusion, these are very important guidelines for the peer tutor to follow and demonstrate. It proves that he/she is a good role model for the students who comes to class with positive attitude , prepared ready to help the students and uses his/her abilities and skills to assist the