School Dropout Prevention

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Period 6th December 4, 2011 School Dropout Prevention Statically about seven thousand students drop out every scho2ol day. PDF states that with this statistic may not have been noticed fifty years ago, but the era during which high school dropouts could earn a living wage has ended in the United States. By dropping out, these individuals significantly diminish their chances to secure a good job and a promising future. Moreover, each class of dropouts is responsible for substantial financial and social costs to their communities, states, and country in which they live. Of course no one can force any student to learn when they don’t want to. When deciding to drop out of school it affects you, your family, friends, and your future to come. There are several ways to help young undecided students from dropping out, they just need to wake up and make a difference. Having a better family engagement, safer schools, and a service learning program would help decrease dropout rates. Family engagement you say? Yes family engagement can help prevent a student from dropping out of school. Family engagement involves a progress, secession were the entire family gathers together to discuss each other’s goals. This secession creates an interaction between the family members. It teaches them one another to listen to each other and to express their option towards what they have to say. Helps the student to talk about their day, about school, issues, and it gives them a person to talk to. It might even give them a feel of comfort to ask for help if they need it. It also gives a better understanding to the family, about the difficulties in their life. With this sort of communion brings along support, support that a student needs to be motivated to go to school and to do well. Without this support, cause drop outs to give up in school because no one’s

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