School Dress Codes And Uniforms The Best Dressed S

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School Dress Codes and Uniforms: The Best Dressed Solution Linda Robbins Grantham University “Virtually with no exception, schools have minimum dress codes in place: rules about what cannot be worn at school. Uniforms policies state explicitly what must be worn in schools. And while this is common practice in schools,” (Gereluk, 2007) the controversy is to what extent should students be allowed to show their skin and wear undergarment exposing outfits, or clothing that has offensive graphics and demoralizing pictures. It often comes up that parents are tired of going to battle with their student-children, over the issue of minimal dress of today’s fashions. As a parent of my own two teenagers, being in agreement with their choice of clothing sometimes comes to a battle stand. I do not want my children exposing themselves any more than necessary to the public in general or at school. As a result, Wayne County School District Board is convening soon to again review the dress code policy that is in place for our county. Uniforms and stricter dress codes are ever becoming the more positive choice at hand, both the educators and for parents like me. Much to the chagrin of my teens, I will be voting in favor of uniforms, or the strictest dress code policy options available. This essay was written to analyze some of the pros and cons of uniforms or standardized dress code for students and to view some of the issues educators are addressing in the educational environment concerning dress codes. School board members and educators are trying to use policies of standardized dress code or uniforms to solve some of the toughest issues in schools today. By eliminating the clothing factors that lead to false overtures of insults to gang activities, bullying, singling out of individuals, high rates of academic low grades and failures and absenteeism. Although, today’s pop

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