Save as Many as You Ruin

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Save as many as you ruin “Save as Many as You ruin” by Simon Van Boy is a short story about a man, Gerard. He is a quite handsome man from New York, who is about 40 years old. The turning point of the short story is when Gerard meets Laurel. They have been together before, but broke up because Gerard got another girl (Issy) pregnant, while he was with Laurel. Years later they meet again. This short story is about being satisfied with life, and making mistakes in it. The mistakes will make you unhappy, but you might get a second chance and that chance could be life changing. The narrator is a third person. The narrator is omniscient; because the narrator knows every thought that is inside of Gerard’s head “He thinks she is more beautiful than ever”. Gerard, who is the protagonist, live in New York with his daughter Lucy. Even though he loves her very deeply, he is still unhappy with his life. It’s boring and regrettable. He is missing something in his life, and this something is Laurel. He says that he has only really loved one woman in his life – and it is not the mother of his child, Issy. “Light are coming on, but it’s not yet dark.” – this describes his life very well; there are happy times, but mostly it’s all darkness. The reader is constantly reminded about the love Gerard has for his daughter:“Gerard feels a stabbing love for his daughter”, “She’s wonderful, just wonderful”, “I love you”. It is obvious that she is the little light he has left in his life. Gerard as said before, finds his life very boring and unimportant: “Gerard thinks of his own footprints and how soon they will disappear. He exhales into the world and his breath disappears”. He considers himself as a person, who isn’t going to make an impression on others. Everything about his existence will disappear behind him. He has a lot of flashbacks through the story. Everything he sees

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