Sandy And Her Beautiful Sisters

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Sandy and her beautiful sisters Sandy and her beautiful sisters is a fairy tale that explains that the term “good and beautiful” no longer is true. In old fairy tales the hero is always handsome and the princess is beautiful. In this modern fairy tale we have a modern princess Sandy, who is the youngest of three girls. Unlike old fashioned fairy tales the three sisters are in their 30's, living a modern life of dating and working. However, Sandy is aside from her job in an agency doing all the cleaning and cooking at the home of the sisters, which is a reference to the original Cinderella story. Sandy is a modern Cinderella. Her name could be a modern nick name for Cinderella. Three times in this fairy tale we hear the phrase “Once upon a time” which is another way to refer to old fashioned fairy tales. The first time is at the beginning where Sandy refers to her sisters as beautiful and herself as nothing. This change after Mrs. Fairey tells her that she can become something in life because of her great cooking skills. Then it goes “Once upon a time there were three sisters, two of them were beautiful, the third was the most beautiful of them all”. Sandy has now set a goal in life, which is to become thinner and more beautiful than her sisters so she, as well, can get a Prince charming. After this Sandy becomes pregnant with one of her sisters admirers and her life goal is lost. At this time of the fairy tale Sam Prince enters. He is the former husband of Mrs. Fairey and another of the sister’s admirers. Sandy likes him which we see in ll. 123-125: “And even Sandy could see the charm of Sam Prince, not only because he was mad about her cooking, but because it turned out to be Sam Prince who had described her as a Botticelli.” Botticelli was the Italian painter who painted “The birth of Venus” which shows the goddess of love, Venus, emerge full grown from the

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