Samsung Brand's Analysis

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As I mentioned in project one, my favorite activity is relaxing in library. Browsing online stores, checking emails, and listening music by Apple’s different products. More than that, I would use my Apple’s smartphone to update the latest news, and keep contact with my friends. I will not engage in the activity as much as I used to be, if doing this activity without the focal brand. I may change the activity from frequently to once for a week or even once for another week. Since I perceive using this brand’s products as a part of the enjoyment and valuation of doing the activity. Therefore, without this brand’s products are significantly decreasing I engage in the activity. However, if I have to choose a brand as replacement, when Apple is no longer available to use in my favorite activity. I will choose Samsung as replacement, because it also develops similar products line. Since Samsung sales rate has dramatically raise, and its products have takeover a large portion of Apple’s market shares. Samsung now become the biggest competitor to share the market with Apple. As a consumer, I will choose Samsung as a replacement for my favorite brand, because its brand’s image also fits my personal identification. In addition, its brand’s image is futuristic and trustful, and its products are high quality and diversity. Similar to Apple, Samsung has developed a vertical supply chain, and horizontal products line. I believe this marketing strategy in technical products can help the brand provides better costumer services, and provides more product options to consumers. Since Samsung has developed some similar marketing strategies as Apple, they also have a series of products, which can share the same systems. The benefits by using a same brand of technological products are noticeable both in brand’s side and consumers’ side. Most consumers like me will prefer using
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