Sample Self-Employment, Business Essay

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If I were to set up a business, the kind of business I would operate would be a bakery. I would like to set up a bakery first of all, because I have always been interested in baking. Second, I believe it would be a good way to make a living. Lastly, the ingredients and supplies you need for baking are not that expensive. Therefore, I believe that starting up a bakery would be a good business. The products we will be offering in the bakery would be pastries such as cookies, brownies, muffins, cupcakes, and many more. As the owner of the bakery, I will have many responsibilities. These responsibilities include developing the bakery, marketing, public relations, advertising and promotion, inventory management, bookkeeping, and human resources. I would also need other people to help me out with the business. I would need bakers to bake the pastries, people to design the bakery, a person to take care of public relations, and someone to help promote the bakery. As you can see, there are a lot of responsibilities that come with starting up your own business. You can really make a living out of starting a bakery. First of all, the greatest advantage of the baking industry is that it supplies products that people use consistently and reliably. Second, the supplies you need are not that expensive. Lastly, you will be able to sell your products for a reasonable price and still earn money. Therefore, you will be able to make a reasonable living out of starting a bakery. Being self-employed has its ups and downs. First, starting you own business is like gambling, you are taking a risk and you never know if your business is going to fail or grow. Next, being self-employed means that you do not always get the same amount of money regularly. But even though you’d never know how much money you are going to make, being self-employed means that you can have your own

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