Rules of Family Origin

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Rules of Family of Origin As there are many different rules of communication we should follow when we communicate with each other, we tend to fail to use all of them to effectively communicate with each other. If we were to follow all the rules, we would not have many problems which we have today. Within my family, we have several rules concerning communicating with each other. A few of the communication rules within my family are to never to talk with food in your mouth, do not interrupt when someone else is speaking and to pay attention to the person who is talking to you and the most important of all think about what you are going to say before you say it. The two rules in which I will explore are, do not interrupt when someone else is speaking and to pay attention to the person who is talking to you, and to think about what you are going to say before saying it. First, let us look at the rule of do not interrupt when someone else is speaking and to pay attention to the person who is talking to you. This rule was taught to my children at a very early age and we still work on mastering the rule today. This rule is important because it shows respect for the person who is talking to you. When you interrupt someone who is speaking to you, it shows you are not interested in what the other person is saying and, when you do this, you are not receiving the message the other person is trying to relay to you. Not interrupting and paying attention let’s a person receive the message in which the sender is trying to convey, and also lets the receiver give appropriate feedback to the sender. Paying attention to someone who is speaking to you helps you to also see the nonverbal cues of communication, better known as body language. Body language is an important part of communication as it helps to reinforce or cast doubt on the validity of what a person is saying. The
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