Rousseau’s Social Contract Was Published in 1762, and Sieyès’s What Is the Third Estate in Early 1789. How Do You Think Rousseau Influenced Sieyès?

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Who represents(currently) the French people? Who has the right to represent the French People? Who should be granted the power to make the law and speaks for the people? These three fundamental questions have been the direct cause of the conflicts during the French Revolution. The Social Contract, a philosophical masterpiece written by the famous French writers Jean Jacques Rousseau, greatly influenced the course of the French Revolution. Rousseau’s pioneering conception of General Will enlightened the mainstream thinkers as well as the ordinary french people in the late 18th Century France. One of those political activist and writer, Emmanueal Joseph Sieyès( 1748-1836) justified the political legitimacy of the Third Estate. He argues that the aristocracy is acting against the General Will whereas the Third Estates represents the General Will of the French people and are thus the legitimate representative of the nation. Sieyes’s admitted the fact that Third Estate represents the General Will. His proposal for equal representation and justification of the political legitimacy of the Third Estate received much influence from Rousseau’s Social Contract.The Third Estates does have everything needed for a complete nation. Let us ask ourselves a question: What is a nation? A community of members living under common laws and rules. (What Is The Third Estate p52)Third Estate comprises every member of the society except the nobility and the clergy. It does contain educated, honest and worthy in all respect to represent the nation properly.(What is the Third Estate p54). Their will is thus the General Will which is an intention to promote the common good so that their property can be protected and their safety could be guaranteed. The problem in the French Society is that the three estates are not equally represented in the Estates General. “Since political rights

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