Romulus-Let Me in Essay

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Belonging signifies the most fundamental human impulse to make sense of the immediate paradigm in which one is situated. Meaning and purpose can be discerned through confronting and interacting with other individuals who act as agents of personal growth. ‘Romulus my father’ written by Raimond Gaita and ‘Let me in’ directed by Matt Reeves exemplify the idea that belonging has plagued mankind for ages and help shape the individual’s self-styled perception and understanding of belonging. Human relationships in the form of family bond and friendship prove to be beneficial catalysts through which one gains spiritual satisfaction and inner peace with the surrounding environment. A genuine sense of belonging is thus a product of both nature and nurture that bridges the physical and metaphysical chasms between human beings. Romulus my father demonstrates how the social paradigm acts as an empty void into which individuals invest personal meanings and subjective significance. Initially, Maryborough is portrayed as an unwelcoming and austere environment to Romulus, as attested by Raimond’s description, “Though the landscape is one of rare beauty…even after more than 40 years my father could not become reconciled to it.” Such a harsh imagery reflects the initial challenges of emotional disconnection and rejection of the given environment. However, Romulus’ devoted proclamation, “My son is everything to me”, illustrates that the barrenness of the landscape is reinterpreted as a sublime serenity that results from the developing relationship between the father and son. However, Raimond’s emphatic language, “I left the hospital changed” signifies that Romulus’ mental breakdown causes him to become isolated from the environment which also deteriorates the father-son relationship. In contrast, the protagonist ‘Owen’ in Let me in demonstrates the dysfunctional relationship with
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