Romeo and Juliet Influence Throughline

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Influence Character Throughline Juliet — Object of Affection Universe Influence Character Throughline Juliet is a very young girl and only child—she is expected to be obedient to her parents’ wishes, despite any of her own desires that may be to the contrary. Progress Influence Character Concern Juliet is concerned with her changing status—obedient daughter of the Capulets to wife of a rival Montague—her particular concern is, the way things are going (her family not aware of her marriage), she will soon find herself married off to Paris. Threat Influence Character Issue Juliet threatens Romeo’s relationship with his male friends: “Romeo is not really asked to choose between Juliet and his family but between Juliet and Mercutio, who are opposed in the play’s thematic structure” (Paster 261); Juliet “threatens suicide if Friar Lawrence cannot save her from marrying Paris” (Mowat and Werstine 176). Security Influence Character Counterpoint A child of her father’s house, Juliet only has security when she obeys the rules. Once she decides not to live up to parental expectations, she has no familial protection: CAPULET Hang thee, young baggage, disobedient wretch!/I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday,/Or never after look me in the face. (3.5.166-68) Influence Character Thematic Conflict Threat vs.Security Juliet’s thematic conflict is best illustrated when she dares to disobey her parents. Her apparent willfulness compels her father to threaten the very security she is dependent upon. Expectation Influence Character Problem Juliet is driven by the expectations placed upon her: A woman . . . was a daughter, wife, or widow expected to be chaste, silent, and above all, obedient. It is a profound and necessary act of historical imagination, then, to recognize innovation in the moment when Juliet impatiently invokes the coming
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