Romea and Palamon Compare and Contrast

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Name Teacher Class Date Palamon vs. Romeo Palamon and Romeo, two love struck heroes bound by a seemingly impossible love. These two courtly lovers of ancient literature seem to have almost parallel personalities.While Romeo is a lover and is swayed in the moment, Palamon only has one love, but both of them would live and die for their loves. Even though Palamon and Romeo are very similar they have a few differences. Palamon is a knight that would fight for his love. In fact, he did fight for his love. Palamon fought in a 101 vs. 101 battle, not to the death though, against Arcita his cousin and sworn brother for Emily his love. Romeo, on the other hand, didn’t want to fight. He wore a mask and tried to not be found. Even though Romeo did not prefer to fight we was a swordsman. Twice he fought accepted a duel and both time he won. Even though Palamon did not always win he still was a skilled swordsman. They were also both Star-crossed lovers. Romeo was in love with Juliet part of his foe’s family, but that didn’t stop him. Nor did it stop Palamon. After many of years he never gave up his love Emily even though he had never met her, but he did not die in the end. These two star crossed lovers have many similarities. From their passion of love to their skill with a sword. These two literature lovers helped pave the way for modern courtly
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