Roles of a Team Leader

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Roles of a leader A team leader is someone who provides direction, instructions and guidance to a group of individuals who can also be known as a team. An effective leader will know their team members strengths, weaknesses and motivations. Team leaders serve various roles in an organisation. Their job is to get tasks done by using all the resources available to them, including other employees of team members. These are some of the roles they have to undertake: • develop a strategy the team will use to reach its goals • provide any training that team members need • communicate clear instructions to team members • listen to team members' feedback • monitor team members' participation to ensure the training they providing is being put into use, and also to see if any additional training is needed • manage the flow of day-to-day operations • create reports to update the company on the teams progress • distribute reports to the appropriate personnel Leadership styles and impact of performance Different type of leadership styles exist in work environments. Advantages and disadvantages exist in different types of leaderships. Laissez-faire A laissez-faire leader lacks direct supervision of employees and fails to provide regular feedback to those under his supervision. Highly experienced and trained employees requiring little supervision fall under the laissez-faire leadership style. However, not all employees posses those characteristics. This leadership style hinders the production of employees needing supervision. The laissez- faire style produces no leadership or supervision efforts from managers, which can lead to poor production, lack of control and increasing costs. Autocratic The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions alone without the input of others. Managers possess total authority and impose their will on
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