Roles in Society

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Alone, estranged and depressed expresses the emotions one feels when he or she does not fit into the role assigned to them by society. Many people expect to be expected of by society, and are afraid they will be judged or disliked by the people they care for, by not playing their “role” in life. Everyone has a role to fill sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is hard. Being a dad or mom is a very important role to fill with a child. A celebrity has an important role as well. So does our President, he plays a very important role for our country. Being a mom or dad to a son or daughter can be one of the toughest roles you can take on. Sons and daughters look up to their parents and count on them to be there for them no matter what. When you see a child fall and their guardian is there you expect them to play their role as a parent and care for the child like a parent should. When a child feels neglected or distant from their parent they are not playing their role. For many Celebrities nowadays it is hard to keep a good public figure. Many paparazzi and news reporters twist and catch snapshots of things that are not true. Celebrities keep the average person entertained and give people a reason to either, go out and buy a movie ticket to watch their movie or to just flip on the TV to watch their show. Without celebrities we would not have anywhere to bring our dates. There would be no movies or TV shows. Celebrities play a huge role in today’s generation and modern society, whether we are looking for someone to look up to, or someone to entertain us. We all know being President is very important. Our President is chief of The Executive branch. He takes charge and looks over Federal agencies all over the nation. He is not only Head of the Executive branch, but keeps our nation in shape and creates policies to fulfill his goals to make our country a better place.
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