Role Strain Essay

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Role Strain: I try to be a good mother and wife, but I find that I do not have enough hours in the day to do all the house cleaning, keep the children free of germs, shop properly to provide the right nutrients for the children and my husband, to keep the car in good order, get them to school safely, to keep up to date with the world news, to provide them with the right moral guidelines in world which is constantly changing and It becomes a real strain to try to keep up with all that needs to be done. My husband works for the City of Conway so he is out of the house by 6:00am and doesn’t get home until 5:00pm. So, everything falls on me, all day, and everyday. I try to find some balance and tell myself that no matter what I do there is always going to be more that needs to be done that won’t get done. I have to convince myself that tomorrow is another day and what didn’t get done to day can get done tomorrow; otherwise I can literally drive myself crazy. Role Conflict: I am the coach of my daughter’s soccer team. We play once a week and each time we play a game I experience role conflict. Even though I love my daughter with all my heart, I know there are a few players on her team that are better than she is. As a parent I want her to play the entire game, but as the coach I know that I cannot do that and therefore have to play the better kids as much as it upsets her. I try really hard to consider all the children and give them all equal playing time. She may not understand right now why her mommy is being “mean” but I know as she grows up she will understand what it means to be a team player. We all have tough decisions to make in life, the key is to find a balance and stick with it no matter how hard it may
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