Role of the Church in the Society

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The Role of the Church in Society Introduction Why is there a Church? The Church exists in every society. You can travel the world and find the Church in every one of the 160 sovereign nations that exist today. Why? Every society, which honors basic human rights, has a role for the Church and the State. In this segment we are going to talk about the role of the Church in society. In another segment we will discuss the role of the State. Have you noticed that every city and county seat has both a Church and a courthouse? In Washington, D.C., we find the nation's Capitol, together with the Catholic National Shrine, and the Episcopal National Cathedral. The Church and the State are always found together. The Church Endures While States Come and Go The past 20 centuries, the Christian centuries, provide many illustrations of Church and State relations. We will go into this more later when dealing with the state, but here it is important to note that the Church has lived with, and under, every form of civil government known to man. Nations and governments come and go. The Catholic Church endures; it is the oldest living institution known to man. We Americans celebrated our nation's bicentennial in 1976 and pride ourselves in having the longest history of a democratic country. The Catholic Church, by comparison, has a history of some 20 centuries, maintaining the same hierarchical structure, the same doctrine on faith and morals, the same sacramental system, the same Lord and Master. The Church is a living witness to Christ's promise that He would be with us until the end of time (Mt 28:20). Christ entered into our humanity and into human history when He took on our flesh, by the help of His human mother, Mary, our blessed Lady. He came among us to save us from our sins. He taught us the ways of God, a way of life that leads to eternal life in the Kingdom of God. He

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