Role of School Goveners

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School governors are usually a team of 10 to 12 people although there can be up to 20 who have the responsibility of running the school. They will be made up of a variety of people who will have links with the school and local community. There should be at least one parent governor and at least on staff governor, in addition to the Head Teacher. There may also be a support staff governor. In additionthere will be a local authority governor, appointed by the local authority (LA) and a local community served by the school governors will work closely with the Head Teacher and Senior Management Team, although you may not see them around the school often during the school day Governors wilol be based on different committeeswhich are responsible for various areas of school mamgement for example the school site, personnel issues or community cohesion. They will meet in these committeees and then report back to the full governing body. Their main duties are: to set aims and objectives for the school, to adopt new policies for achieving the aims and objectives, to set targets for achieving the aims and objectives Senior Management team. The school's Senior Mangement or Senior Leadership Team will work closely with the Head Teacher. The team will usually be made up of more experienced staff who have management positions:- in a promary school this will probably be the deputy head teacher, year group leaders (if the school has more than one form entry) SENCO(Special Education Needs Co-ordinator) and Foundation Stage leader. In secondary school they may also be year group leaders and SENCOs but may also be subject area leaders. They will usually meet once a week or on a regular basis to discuss issues which have come up and make decisions concering the running of the school or around the implementation of the school improvement plan. They will then discuss how this information
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