Role Of Poets To The Romantics

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Donna M. Painter Professor Kristin Huston English 327 1 March 2012 Role of Poets to the Romantics Romance is not just for lovers but also for the broken-heart that loves again. Romanticism is a language of romance and means a work that is popular. Gorge Gordon (Lord Bryon) speaks to the audience in a nurturing and emotional way. Poets are to inspire our beliefs, feelings, judgments and contemplations. This is by the poet expanding our imagination and introducing new feelings of joy, love, sorrow, life, giving and nature surrounding us. A poet provides us with their thoughts, feelings and encouragements; allowing us to expand in our journey of life, living through their words. Poet’s writings can be visualized through the verses, allowing us to see what they are thinking and feeling. George Gordon (Lord Byron) shows the romantic side of affection; from being in love to having heart-break. He allows us to envision the emotions of romance through the writings. Demonstrating to the audience we are not unaccompanied in the journey of romance, love and heart-break. The poem “She walks in Beauty” is more about the love felt for a lady others would not see as beautiful, but in his eyes she is of great beauty. He allows us the freedom and spontaneity to expand on his opinions but not to where we are misguided. The love written about in this poem is concerning the inner beauty of the lady, this is also known as pure love. George Gordon (Lord Byron) in the poem “She Walks in Beauty” shows the love and affection he has for the lady but not for her looks, it’s for her inner beauty that shines through, showing his devotion to her beauty and love: She walks in beauty, like the night So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of the days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent! (1,

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