Moreover, violent deaths are becoming a larger proportion of all youth mortality. Suicides and homicides accounted for less than 8 percent of all youth deaths; two decades later they accounted for 20 percent. While many recent studies have noted the increasing role of drugs, crime,
In recent years, Australian teenagers of both genders are consuming to much alcohol, leading to 87,665 uncontrolled accidents such as falling over and breaking limbs, hitting their heads, getting into fights and having traffic accidents. To prevent those impulsive actions and to protect adolescents, the government put tax on pre-mixed drinks, the most preferred alcohol drink among teenagers. As you can see in the graph, the original supply curve is S and after the tax, which is 70 percent of its original price, the supply curve shift to the left dramatically from S to S+T, since only when the sales price goes up by the same amount as tax, will there be the same amount of suppliers willing to produce the same good. The equilibrium point changes
Schoolies Problems: Alcohol - Widely considered a week long alcohol binge, schoolies week is most criticized for excessive drinking and problems that flow from this. In 1995, 75% of male schoolies and 53% of female schoolies report being drunk most or every day or night of Schoolies Week. More recently laws have been changed at a Federal level increasing the tax on pre-mixed spirits, and at a state level in Queensland to focus on parents supplying alcohol to their children in an irresponsible way. Fines issued by Police related to alcohol laws have raised considerable funds for state governments, particularly at Gold Coast Schoolies year over year the policing of these offences has increased and the revenue has increased proportionally.
Nearly fifty percent of those crashes involved alcohol” (MADD). Clearly this has become a severe problem. “Alcohol use is the number one drug among young people” (MADD/Statistic). Alcohol is killing the youth of our
Heroin Addiction (Current Events) Researchers estimate that heroin use has increased in the U.S. by nearly 60% over the past ten years. Law enforcement officials believe the spike in heroin use is driven by addicts not being able to afford more expensive prescription pain killers. “They’re hooked on prescription drugs but when the prescription runs out, they switch to $5 and $10 bags of heroin,” Christopher Goldrick of the Rockland Narcotics Task Force told U.S.A. Today According to the most recent figures from the CDC, drug overdose claimed more lives than any other injury in 2010, with 60% of those deaths related to pharmaceutical drugs. The CDC also reports that 75% of prescription drug overdose deaths involve painkillers such as
An average of 17,000 individuals die each year in drink driving related deaths. The numbers have come down slightly , for example, in 2010 10,228 individuals died from drink driving related fatalities, drink driving continues to be an enormously important public safety issue. What is more, drinking and driving is strongly correlated with youth. After the age of 25, the drink driving rates rapidly decrease. It seems quite plausible that were alcohol to be illegal for those under the age of 18, the 15.1% of 18 to 20 year olds who drink before getting behind the wheel would decrease significantly.
The migration of ___________________ from British-ruled Cape Colony for fertile land in the north is called the ___________ __________. 39. The underlying goal of British imperialism in the mid-nineteenth century was to promote ____________________________________________. 40. The former __________________________colonies and _____________ were similar in that British colonists displaced indigenous peoples in both places.
Childhood obesity is increasing at rates of epidemic proportion across the globe and is becoming a significant health problem. The current obesity rates in Australian children are among the highest in the developed world. ‘In 2007–08, one-quarter of all Australian children, or around 600,000 children aged 5–17 years, were overweight or obese, up four percentage points from 1995 (21%). According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABOS) (2009). ‘Research indicates an annual increase of this figure of 1-1.5%, a trend that suggests half of all young Australians will be overweight by the year 2025’ (Tipping the scales: Intervention and management of childhood obesity 2007).
Alcoholism is a serious medical problem in our country. Criminal justice experts have estimated that at least 75-80% of defendants included in felony crimes or serious misdemeanors were either under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they committed their crime or they did their mistake/mistakes to survive because they had lost their financial resources due to their addiction. Work productivity has been lowered due to divorce, suicide, increased medical problems, and also school drop-out rate. These are only a few problems caused by alcoholism. Studies have shown that for the most part, we have increased the probability that our child or children will not have a problem with alcohol or drugs.
An average someone is affect the offender but also other innocent victims around them. Killed by a drunk driver every 40 minutes, in 2007, an estimate of 12,998 people died in drunk driving related cashes- a decline of 3.7 percent from the 13,491 drunk related fatalities in 2006. In 2002, 2.3 percent of Americans 18years and older, surveyed reported alcohol impaired including 50 percent of 18 – 21 year old. Alcohol is never right for an underage, and when an underage as a very high alcohol consumption and get behind the wheels its like hell on the wheel because he control himself not to talk of controlling the wheels and when he can’t do that, he crashes into someone else. One of the biggest and oldest organization that has been against drunk driving is MADD- which stand for mothers against drunk driving.