Role of a Police Department

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Role of a Police Department Terrisha Smith CJA\214 Introduction to Police Structure and Practices September 15, 2014 Daniel Jones Role of a police department Being a part of a police department an officer has many roles to do as an officer and as a citizen. Not to say that their job is easy to do every day they face if they are going home or not. The police department has law that they must abide by while serving and protecting others as well as themselves. We lose more officers in the line of duty than just a normal homicide on a regular day. Joining the police department to me is like joining the army serve and protect is the main goal. Police have five main responsibilities when it comes to their role in the department. One of the roles is to enforce the law. Officers must know the law in order to enforce the law to the public. When it comes to arresting an offender that has committed a crime an officer must apprehend the person in the safest way possible. Sometimes it’s not an easy task when arresting the offender some of them put up a fight, some of them like to run or even shoot at the officer. So safety is the main key to protect themselves, offender, and the community. While crime is at its most high these days officers have to come up with ways to prevent crime and keep it down. Here in Memphis they have community watch were neighbors watch out for each other’s home and property. This can help the police to catch a crime in progress. Keeping the peace is another responsibilities of an officer because if not it will be all ciaos. Officers can also provide services such as with a car problem, a medical emergencies, or if a person is lost and need help. Police officers have many roles to do in their everyday life and even off the job still have to keep it
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