Robin Hood Case Study

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Robin Hood Exam Question #2 Option #1 The first option suggests levying a straight tax for passage through the forest and forgoing the confiscation of goods. This option would be ineffective in my opinion. First, it would not focus our efforts on robbing the rich of the community. The rich have chosen to avoid this road and therefore we would not be able to increase our financial reserves in this way. We would instead be negatively effecting the poor of the area by forcing them to pay to support us. This would essentially turn the locals against us and diminish our support system. The lieutenants share this opinion and would be likely to revolt if the tax was implemented. Option #2 The second option is to kill the sheriff. Robin’s original mission was a personal crusade against the sheriff and this would likely fulfill that goal. However, the merrymen has grown into a much larger group whose potential is much greater. Their focus is now to aid the poor of the community by robbing the rich. If the sheriff were to be killed, the unification created by the hatred of the sheriff would be essentially ended. The merrymen would have no common enemy to bring them together to achieve greater things. Recruitment would dwindle and the men would become more complacent and less disciplined. In the current state of Robin’s organization it would be nearly impossible to kill the sheriff. The Sheriff has used his political connections to gain reinforcement and make assassination a remote possibility. Furthermore, killing the sheriff does not solve the problems Robin faces with growing complacency and scarcity of resources. Option #3 Option 3 would have Robin working with the Barons to secure the return of King Richard. These barons were responsible for appointing Prince John in the first place and now want him gone. Robin has not dealt with
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