Robin Hood Essay

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Lesley Pettigrew – BMBA 100 Case Analysis – Robin Hood September 15, 2010 1. What problems did Robin Hood have? Robin Hood’s organization was increasing as its popularity grew. He had a limited number of delegated authorities to assist with overseeing operations. Prior to the growth this was adequate but as the numbers grew it would become more difficult to keep the group focused on their primary objectives. Food, lodging, and weapons were impacted. As a result the band’s expenses outgrew the incoming revenue. The organization could not sustain this continued growth and ultimately would result in it disbanding. 2. What options did Robin have? a) He could kill the sheriff however this would only satisfy his own personal crusade. This was not the objective of his organization. b) He could re-organize the group. Decrease the numbers of men and keep only the elitist. This would decrease expenses and create operational efficiencies. c) He could join the barons and receive an influx of capital. However could possibly lose the leadership of the group whereby the barons would introduce their own leader. It could also increase the chances of getting King Richard released from jail. This would remove the Sheriff and Prince John from the problem. 3. What would happen if he implemented the tax? Two things would happen. It would create a constant intake of revenue which is much needed. However his popularity would decrease because this was not his original objective. Nor what he created the organization for or the premise which his followers joined him. He does not have the support of his delegated authorities which he which is important if he wishes to change the organizations culture. 4. What about geographical expansion? Geographical expansion is a very good option. However in order for it to

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