Rjct Task 1

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Ann West RJCT Task 1 Market Place Simulation A. Fourth quarter cumulative scorecard, Income statements for the four quarters and balance sheets for the four quarters are all attached. B. I named the company Slick because it is a cool name and it would appeal to both of my target markets. Slicks mission is to serve our clients with integrity, respect, and excellent customer service. We deliver top quality, state of the art, dependable computer products. Our goal is to help you accomplish yours. I decided to focus on large, highly competitive segments in a geographic location where distribution costs were minimized. The competitive posture was to build a market position and defend it. The distinctive competency was to be the high service provider in the market. I chose to target the Mercedes (engineers and scientists computers) and named that brand Speed. I also chose to target the Traveler (travelers) and named that brand Aloha. The reason I chose these two markets is because both of these customers were willing to pay more for the product. Mercedes would pay $4000 and the Traveler would pay $3200. I included a rebate for both brands in the third quarter so the sales would increase and they did. The Speed computer included engineering applications, office applications; ability to link with other computers and a fast and powerful machine these features met all the needs of the Mercedes customer. The Aloha included office applications, portability, ease of use ability and ability to link with other computers; these features met the needs of the traveler population. I chose to place offices in NY - North America and Tokyo- Asia because both brands had the greatest demand in both of these locations. In the second quarter I hired some sales staff with moderate pay and benefits. In the second quarter I hired more sales staff and improved

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