Right Or Wrong: How Does One Decide?

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Janet Weatherford English 101-011-SP12 February 6, 2012 Right or Wrong: How Does One Decide? Who decides what is wrong and what is right? The government, society, family, the individual? Take a cancer patient for example: They are taking chemotherapy which makes them sick on a daily basis and the only thing that seems to help at all is smoking marijuana. It is against the law to buy marijuana or to use it, so is it wrong for one to buy it off the street as a type of cure for an illness? The patient is also a strong believer in not using drugs and has always thought that the drug dealers should be locked away in jail so they cannot help destroy lives and families, so is it right for them to go against their own beliefs and go buy it and use it ? In another situation, one sees a highway patrolman speeding excessively all the time for no reason other than they think they can because they are cops. Is it wrong for a highway patrolman to give a ticket to another driver for doing the same thing one sees the highway patrolman do each day? On the other hand, is it wrong for a driver to speed because they see a highway patrolman speeding? The challenge one faces is that nothing is clearly right or clearly wrong. Does obeying or not obeying the rules always mean that one is right or wrong? Of course one should obey these rules, they are for the common good of the individual, and society, most important, to help one stay out of trouble. However, that does not mean one must follow every unwritten rule, tradition, belief, or what is acceptable to society, family, and friends. Disobeying rules from time to time, as long as it helps a greater cause, should not be viewed as wrong should it? Obeying rules does not always help an individual either. Right-doers sometimes suffer, while wrong-doers sometimes succeed. Who is that fair to, the one who

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