Right Brain vs Left Brain

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The left brain vs. the right brain Lisa Fettro APU Professor Nikki Charles The right and left hemispheres of the brain usually process information differently. People tend to process information they receive using their dominant side of the brain. However, people tend to learn both sides of the brain participate in a manner that is balanced. This is a clear indication that a person uses all sides of his or her brain to learn. The right part of the brain has its own style of processing information. At the same time, the left part also has its own style of processing the data that it receives. According to psychologists, the left part of the brain tends to process data in a linear way. It first processes the parts of the information before processing the whole information. The left part first collects the parts of the information and then arranges them in a logical manner. Once the information is logically arranged, it then draws a conclusion after analyzing the bits of the information. The right part of the brain, on the other hand, starts processing information by first seeing the big picture. It first sees data as a whole before breaking it down into bits in order to draw conclusion. The right part of the brain usually starts with the answer before looking into the information to get the problem. This is unlike the left part of the brain which usually starts with the problems and then looks into the data to come up with solutions (Turgeon, 1994). The right side and left side of the brain will not approach a chapter in the same way. The right hand of the brain is likely to begin reading the chapter by first looking at the chapter’s background information before surveying the chapter. This is unlike the left part which will first begin with the chapter before checking the background information in order to check what
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