Rich Man Poor Man

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RICH MAN, POOR MAN I read this article because the title grabbed my attention. You can clearly see here that the money injected into the poor people’s economy is in one way or another working to help improve their lifestyles and indirectly helping the nation’s economy as a whole. The government’s programs for social spending is being reflected on the creation of jobs and the spending of the stipend given to poor families by the “Bolsa Familia” social program. I also think that the requirements that such a program has for the recipients, like keeping their children in school and getting regular medical checkups, in the long run will pay dividends in the form of better educated and healthier adults that eventually will become part of the nation’s labor force. However, there are, just like here, many adults that will take advantage of (or abuse) the system. While some will use this benefit to look for better ways of living, others will be nothing but parasites to society and will use that money for other things besides the intended original purpose. The gap in income is very visible in some areas of Rio de Janeiro. As in many other Latin-American countries, the difference between one social status and another is just across the street. As the article says, the difference between one neighborhood and another is clearly marked by higher crime rates, violence and pollution, going hand in hand with the difference in income and an even greater difference in life expectancy, which according to a think-tank are correlated with race. Although most of the information here goes along with the theory we are learning in the class, I found a quote in another short article in the same special report on Brazil interesting. It antagonizes what we know about unemployment and what social problems it brings. According to Sergio Adorno, “Crime follows the path of wealth, not poverty”
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