Rich and Poor

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4. Should we be worried about the great disparities between rich and poor, both nationally and internationally? It is clear to say that the gap between rich and poor in the last twenty to forty years has become a disaster both nationally and internationally now than it ever was. This is one thing that we should be very worried about and concerned as with the current economical climate we could see even ourselves to become to a stage where we can’t afford to pay bills and to provide food for our family. It is very worrying now even more than ever that we could see a majority of our country being poor. We are already seeing the affects of this when we visit a city and the number of poor begging on the streets seems to be increasing more and more. From what I have seen in the last few years and it is something that I am very angered by is the way economies were rich at the start of the 20th century and finally we have seen their wealth slip away from them. I feel that even in Africa, a country that has been deeply affected by poverty over the last few centuries has an even bigger problem to face with some of the rich countries becoming less wealthier than usual and eventually not being able to provide the continent of Africa with Aid which is essential and I find this case very worrying. It is clear to see as one of the richer nations we are way better off than the poorer countries. We may find it hard to pay bills on time and to get things such as petrol for the car on occasions but countries like South Africa do not have money at all to even pay bills even if there were any. These are all very worrying factors about the disparities between the rich and the poor and I will be discussing these disparities trough out this essay. We live in economies that are unequal relating to the divergence in the life goals of children born into different economies. Some
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