Rhetorical Strategies and Stylistic Devices

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Rhetorical Strategies and Stylistic Devices Allusion – An association to a person, place, event or something derived from the story that has no exact explanation to its meaning. It makes the reader infer or connect ideas to understand what is being said. Aphorism – A brief remark of a truth, an opinion, or a statement of a principle. (Ex: less is more) Diction – The choice of words in a piece of literature, that makes it different and gives it its own style. There’s a reason why the author chose to use certain vocabulary. Ethos – Credibility; giving the reader a first impression of someone as trustworthy by using a specific tone and writing style. Euphemism – A polite expression that could be interpreted in a harsh way if it wasn’t said that way. Hyperbole – Exaggeration; using words to make something look more extreme than it actually is, usually not meant to be taken literally. Imagery – The use of descriptions to make something deeper creates mental images. Irony: * Dramatic: the reader knows more than the characters. * Verbal: what the person says is different from what he actually means and the tone of voice indicates the contrast. * Situational: what happens is the opposite of what people expect. Logos – A logic argument that persuades the reader by reason; the logic used to support an argument. Pathos – The emotional impact on the reader, causing sympathy with the author’s emotions. Narrative Point of View – The way the story is told. * 1st person: the narrator is a character in the story (“I”). * 3rd person: the narrator is not involved in the story and calls the characters by name. * Dramatic 3rd person or Objective: the narrator doesn’t comment on the story. *Omniscient: knows everything in the story *Limited – is restricted to a single character *Unreliable - makes mistakes when describing events in the

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