Rhetorical Devices Essay

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Critical Thinking CRT/205 – Week 5 Assignment Rhetorical Devices September 9, 2012 Instructor Stephanie Wendland University of Phoenix For my magazine article to review I chose “It only takes a second” from Current Health 2, a Weekly publication, April 2008. This article is about using seat belts and starts out with a loaded question – “Do you feel you are immortal and that none of the bad things that happen to others could happen to you?” For me this question caught my attention because no one is immortal and bad things can happen to anyone. Another loaded question that was posed is “Are you willing to bet your life on your driving ability or theirs?” This question is referring to driving skills of drivers in other cars as well as your own driving skills. Although a person may feel confident about their own driving skills, you cannot make assumptions regarding another person’s skills. The next rhetorical device I noticed was a stereotype of teenagers – “teens take greater risks: driving while intoxicated, speeding and not using safety belts”. This negative implication is that all teen drivers behave this way. I personally know several teenage drivers that are sticklers for following the rules of the road and behave responsibly when they are driving. This article was also had several examples of proof surrogate devices, for example: Some people think they have a better chance of survival if they are thrown from the car. Studies show that those who did not wear seat belts… Some think that if your car is equipped with an airbag…. Auto manufacturers have been redesigning belt systems….. …..many police officers who deal with accident victims…… Studies have indicated that ….. My first thoughts were who are these “people” and what “studies? These examples

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