For instance, losing energy, feeling sick, might faint. People usually lie to their body every day by eating stuff that they are not supposed to do is because they do not know what they are really eating. Some people do not really care what they are eating as long it’s delicious, they would accept it. As matter fact, people worry more about their daily task than eating appropriately. In his article,” In defense of food “: Michael Pollen established “what is food” and why do American’s eat nonfood in such large quantities?” Definitely, I’m agree about food labels do provide enough information for consumers to make an informed choice about what to feed their bodies.
Professional athletes are only concerned with one thing. That is winning. Because professional athletes are fierce competitors they use steroids to get ahead of the game. There are mainly two reasons that they use artificial steroids. Money is very important this day in age and using steroids will make you better than everyone and you will be rich and successful.
Every episode reminds us that we live in such an amazing country that allows us to exercise our right of freedom of speech in any way possible.The show also targets celebrities and politicians to shows that they are just like everyone else. South Park has the unique ability to update its audience with current events going on in our country or worldwide that most would overlook. South Park takes hard news, adds satire with raunchy humor; which then creates interest from the public. It also helps that South Park has a bigger audience base than CNN as well. South Park provides us with in your face politics with no apologies.
The unusual alliance between our beauty and health standards gives the imperative to be fat-free a special potency and has bred an ancillary conviction that thinner is also happier and more virtuous” (p.52). There is a fine line between healthy and thin. Sometimes we try to associate these media driven beautiful bodies as being healthy, when in essence they are just a fabrication of what is actual health. The thin ideal is body type’s men or women portray through the media which encompass a thin build, a model look, and an acceptable standard of beauty. This ideal increased rapidly through publications such as Playboy centerfolds and Miss America Pageants.
Body Modifications In America, the practice of body modification is everywhere, from tattoos and piercings to elective plastic surgery. Young teens and adults are undergoing these changes in order to express themselves or to improve their physical appearance. Many people claim that these changes in our appearances are a positive trend in our culture, showing our diversity and individuality as people, while others state that these modifications can be taken too far. The societal pressures to maintain an attractive image are intense and experienced by the majority of the public. The myth that physical attractiveness leads to success and happiness strongly contributes to this.
The rapid increase in plastic surgery in the United States has become a hot trend for people of all ages, sizes, and genders to be like the celebrities, reduce aging appearance, and be more comfortable with their selves all together. Celebrities are idolized images of perfection and beauty. They (celebrities) feel more pressure than anyone else to have the flawless and perfect image, to fit into the ideal perfect man or woman. They are perceived as people who should never look old, or have imperfections because they are famous, well-known, and their pictures are seen everywhere. Because of this pressure, they are constantly urged to undergo more plastic surgery; so that they can be the perfect image
I shall attempt to shed some light on this topic pertaining to its increase due to the media. This immense increase in cosmetic surgery can be attributed to a large extent to mainstream media. From glamour shots in magazines to the television in your home, everywhere you look artificial beauty is shadowing our views of natural beauty. Majority of the entertainment industry portrays an unattainable level of perfection when it comes to the human body. “Thin” is the norm that has become all too common.
The media tries to tell society who they are suppose to be. Advertisements show skinny, sexy, people having fun so that when people buy their products they think they will look like the people in the commercials. Same with actors and actresses in shows or movies, most of them are attractive, good looking people, so when the audience watches they think every doctor is
The simplistic design and logo of Muscle Pharm printed on eye-catching neon green and black containers will surely be seen first among a shelf of plain products, even before the buyer is standing in front of the products. In addition to the physical attributes of Muscle Pharm products, a buyer belonging to the targeted market will likely already recognize the colors and design as belonging to an extremely popular and elite leading nutritional supplement product. Muscle Pharm utilizes top athletes to endorse and promote the product line in order to appeal to a buyer’s emotional need to receive the same results as the athletes. Using body builders, football players and UFC fighters to promote Muscle Pharm litters the market with the Muscle Pharm logo and colors, creating brand recognition to buyers. For example, Muscle Pharm marketers negotiated a deal with the UFC to make Muscle Pharm the official supplement sponsor, creating even more opportunity for Muscle Pharm to advertize.
For example, Marilyn Monroe was a celebrity in the past who was admired by many men and women. She displayed sex appeal but with taste and class. Now a days, pretty much all celebrities are taking the sex appeal way too far and leaving nothing a secret. I believe that the social influences of the visual entertainment media have had both positive and negative affect on our culture. I believe change is always good but not all that change that has been made over the past ten years.